Well, that`s it then. I am officialy off Blogger, this is my new blog site and the only url for it is the http://cookie.neonatus.net
In the near future, I will do some more behind-the-scenes work, move to another server and import the archives from Blogger.
I also want to warn you that if you are reading this with Internet Explorer, the site probably looks like a heap of shit. That is because the Internet Explorer is a poor excuse for an internet application and should be banned to the ninth circle of hell. I`ll see what I can do to at least partially remedy that, but let me give you the word of the wise…use Firefox. Use anything BUT Internet explorer and all will be well.
Looks great! Here’s to plenty more rocking and blogging in the free world.
BTW, how’d you get the eu.org domain? Or would answering that question compromise national security?
hehe. naah. My friend owns auch.eu.org. So I guess I am just “riding” with him for a while. I think he registered here –> http://www.eu.org/