Delo is slovenian leading newspaper. It`s suppose to be nice and all. This is taken from the DELO homepage this morning.
Khol danes pri Drnovšku in Janši
Po uspešnem četrtkovem srečanju s Francetom Cukjatijem, se bo predsednikavstrijskega parlamenta Andreas Khol danes srečal s predsednikom države Janezom Drnovškom in predsednikom vlade Janezom Janšo.
and this too
Žalovanje ob obletnici terorističnega napada
Opoldne petminutni molk
V Španiji se bodo po natanko enem letu spomnili terorističnega napada, ki je na Madridskih železniških postajah terjal 191 smrtnih žrtev. Poleg španskega kralja, naj bi se spominske slovesnosti udeležila tudi Kofi Anan in Jose Manuel Barroso.
Somebody needs to get fired for this. Grammar is the basic tool of every journalist. And to make such mistakes on the front page…sheesh.
(for those of you who are non-slovene speakers, I am talking about comma rules which are very strict and very important in slovene language. Not like the English, who stick them whenever and wherever they want).
Yes, it’s horrible. Apart from me, only a few other fellow citizens seem to get the correct grammar rules. Perhaps I should start selling my “specialty”. 😉
Heck, there’s more — on, same story, same “story”:
Khol pri Drnovšku in Janši
Predsednik avstrijskega parlamenta Andreas Khol se bo zadnji dan dvodnevnega uradnega obiska v Sloveniji, sestal s predsednikom republike Janezom Drnovškom in premierom Janezom Janšo.
Maybe they’re all copying from some official press release. Still no excuse though.
It’s, not true, that English, puts commas everywhere, it’s just that sometimes you can use, your own feelings, to decide,,,,,. 🙂
Whitespace is entirely optional, too. Or’sthataresultoflousycopy-pastingbyourfavouriteCookie?