— original text from “Bachelorette” website–
Naša Sanjska ženska – lepa, visoka in samozavestna 25-letna Miša prihaja iz Maribora. Čeprav je po horoskopu dvojčica, zase pravi, da ni muhasta in da pri sebi ne opazi tipičnih lastnosti dvojčkov. Vsaj preveč ne, pravi v smehu, čeprav priznava, da lahko v hipu spremeni razpoloženje. Iz dobrega v slabo. Zlasti takrat, ko v neki cilj močno verjame in se zanj trudi, a se dobra nakana nekje na pol poti poruši. Bodoča pravnica ne zna počivati in zase pravi, da je vedno v nekem gibanju. ”Ali študiram,” pripoveduje v smehu, ”ali delam, ali pa pripravljam nov projekt.” A skoraj vsak dan si zase utrga urico za rolanje, plavanje, potep po Pohorju ali pa vsaj za obisk pri mami, kjer jo čaka njen zlati prinašalec. Zaljubljena v balet, glasbo, filme, v odkrita prijateljstva, išče ljubezen svojega življenja. Morda jo najde med 25 fanti, ki se zanjo trudijo. Vse je mogoče, pravi, več ne izda.
— original text from “Bachelorette” website–
What is wrong with these people? Even if we leave the obvious reasons beside for a moment, did she really say that? I mean…first she`s telling us that she does not have mood swings, supposedly typical for a Gemini and in the next sentence she changes her mind and says that she does.
When asked what she does, she says “Either studying, working or planning a new project”. Erm. Planning a new project? What is she, fucking dr. Spock? “Captain Uhuru, plan the new project! We shall call it…wiping my ass without damaging my nail polish!” And even then, she says that she always finds time to go hiking, rollerblading, swimming or visiting her mother and her golden-retriever. For the love of god… She also says she is always in “some kind” of motion. Some kind? For fucks sake lady…
She also admits that she can change her mood in a heartbeat, especially when something goes wrong and she fails. Yikes.
If you look at her biography, you`ll notice that her high school was a ballet school but her faculty is law school. My, o my. And she was the only student on the ballerina(!!!) course in high school.
Oh, oh…and when asked when and why did she stop “doing” ballet, she replies “Well, when I was just about to get a regular job in the theater, everything stopped being fun. all the pressure and tension, competition…“. Again…yikes. Imagine her going “I don`t feel like shopping today…all the pressure and tension…I think I`ll rather starve to death.”
When is she happy? Her reply“…when I am in love”. Ahum. That means that she unhappy most of the time? Since she is not in love right now as she claims in her next answer? So the Slovene Bachelorette is a depressed ballerina dancer? Hm. come to think of it, it does fit the profile. I wonder if she`s an alcoholic. Coming from Maribor and all…
Summa summarum…she is a mental patient. Craves for attention, for confirmation and on the other hand, does little-to-nothing to get it. Always laughing is NOT a good characteristic. Joker laughed all the time.
Joker also had a lot of boners, which I hope she doesn’t..
I wonder if she`s an alcoholic. Coming from Maribor and all…
Hmm. I won’t touch that one. I’m tempted, but I won’t. 🙂