“Dragon (Ljubljanski zmaj) represent the symbol of the city of Ljubljana. There is a short story of it. Once, there was time, long time ago when the dragon lived in a big hole at the basement of the castle over Ljubljana. It demand from the people living in a small town under the castle, to bring a young virgin girl to him once per month to eat her, or otherwise the dragon would burn the city. After a few years there were almost no young girls in the town. People living there, were desperately looking for help, so one day a young knight on a white horse came to town, and when the time came for the people to sacrifice another girl, a knight with the girl riding on a horse arrived in front of dragons cave. After a while there was a fight betwen the dragon and knight an he managed to cut off dragon`s head. ”
“V davni davnini je grški junak Jazon s tovariši z ladje Argonavti ukradel kolhijskemu kralju zlato runo – kožo zlatega ovna. Ladja Argo je bežala pred zasledovalci in zašla v ustje reke Donave, namesto da bi krenila na jug po Egejskem morju. Poti nazaj za preganjance ni bilo, zato so nadaljevali vožnjo proti toku Donave, Save in končno Ljubljanice. Ob izviru Ljubljanice so se ustavili, razstavili ladjo, si kose naložili na ramena, ladjo tako prenesli do obale Jadranskega morja, jo tam spet sestavili in nadaljevali pot proti domu. Na ozemlju med današnjo Vrhniko in Ljubljano so Argonavti našli veliko jezero in ob njem barje. Tu nekje je njihov poglavar Jazon naletel na strašno močvirsko pošast, se z njo boril in jo ubil. To naj bi bil ljubljanski zmaj, ki danes domuje vrh grajskega stolpa na ljubljanskem mestnem grbu.”
“The coat of arms of Ljubljana is Gules on triple mount Vert a dragon of the same standing on a tower Argent. The flag is white over green bicolour with the coat of arms outlined in golden in the middle. The current design was adopted in early 1990’s, but minor changes in artistical redention of the coat of arms were introduced in 1996 and differnet coat of arms was used for some time. The dragon is ornament found on coats of arms fo Ljubljana (but not part of it) since middleage, but was espeically popularized after the building of the Dragon Bridge in 1901. This might be origin of the white-green colours of the flag, as well as the origin of the nick name for the inhabitants zmajčki meaning ‘small dragons'”
A story about dragon lines.
Story two, must be the local version of the story. Dragon that was killed by Jason was the never-sleeping dragon of serpent that guarded the golden fleece (by poisoning it).
No records of the swamp monster or any other dragon 🙁 One of the links: http://www.pantheon.org/articles/j/jason.html