Thanks to Mig, whom I never met. But Novala can vouch for him so it`s all good.
That`s easy. Hitchhiker`s guide to the galaxy. Why? Cause I have the words “Don`t panic” written on the covers, in large friendly letters. That can`t be bad, right?
Hm. I think I`ve read way too many books to have a permanent and lasting relationship with A character. But I guess you could say I was always fond of characters who had a sense of humour and were able to get themselves out of any mischief they got into.
“My Life Among The Serial Killers: Inside The Minds Of The World’s Most Notorious Murderers”
Huh. From the top of my head…I don`t know. Let me get back on you with this one.
The Diplomacy by Henry Kissinger
That Old Ace in the Hole by Annie Proulx
The Tin Drum by Gunther Grass
The collected works of Robert Dahl
The collected works of Lawrence Durrel
The collected works of J.R.R Tolkien
The collected works of Anthony Beevor (eventhough such book does not exist yet, I think it has an equal chances of appearing as me being stranded on a deserted island)
On Language: Chomsky’s Classic Works Language and Responsibility and Reflections on Language in One Volume by Noam Chomsky
Tamara from Centrifuga – to show even PR people read
Matej from – cause I like his reading list
Baya from Bayaland – to keep it in the family
I already answered this!
You said you are going to do a follow-up! 😀
I’ve just finished Fahrenheit, what a coincidence!
Comment: hugely overrated. Bad book. Plain, buggish.
nah, won’t bother… plus I am much too busy these days, 16+ working hours per day suck the energy out of even the most perservering marketeers 🙂
Ammmm, kje moram to odgovoriti? Na svojem blogu?
Sem se malo razgledala in videla, da bom morala v Cetrifugi to izvesti. OK, ampak se bojim, da bom zjebala cel sistem, ker imam slovenske naslove in verjetno bo post tudi v slovenskem jeziku. Bom še premislila in si enkrat našla cajt za to reč. Sicer me pa preveč spominja na nadležne verige, ampak ta je še kar zanimiva. Bom, ko bom.
nič ne boš zjebala. does not matter which language you do it.
Ekola, svoje knjige sem zmetala na kup. In pri tem na polno komplicirala, kar sploh ni tako nenavadno zame. 🙂