This is the source. It`s about a military exercise in Slovenija. The name…”zvita podlasica” (sneaky weasel). Seriously. Who comes up with these names? It`s almost as bad as “operation freedom” they used in Iraq. What`s next? Drunken bear? Bad ant (huda mravljica)? Cafe con latte?
Let`s pick the best name for the next military exercise!
Wet pussy?
Hungry badger
Burning Bush!
And here is the action plan. 😉
– get bush
– set bush afire
– pretend to be Moses
– pretend the bush is talking to you in a booming voice
– sell bullshit to people for thousands of years
– return to base
If you get the right type of bush, you don’t need to make up the bullshit…
Nevermind, M.
there is also another bush…
Yes, that’d be the right type I had in mind 😉