Month: May 2005

OK, just a quickie…

Disk is back install is complete everything seems to be working fine. the exhibition was nice Here is the guy`s webpage some of the photos were a tad unrealistic/boring Everything else is fine. The way it should be.

Life on command

Tip svojemu psu na sprehodu: “Ajde, no, dejmo mal življenja, pes!” — Dog-owner to his dog: “Come on, show some life, dog!“

Guess the country!

Since everybody is doing the “Guess the…” game, here`s my version. I post a search query and you guess the country from which this query came. And to make it a little easier on you, I`ll post four choices. Here are the first three The query word is “Pussy movie” […]

Keyword of the day!

obi wan fucks anakin eurovision 2005- lyrics strange pussies pussy movie blogger history cool_42 dart vader them sound eurosong results najt listening music eurosong a disk read error occured obi-wan pronunciation ripper pussy dart vader biography elephant cock greek pussy fahrenheit 451 map holy pussy obi-wan dialogues — Pick your […]

Weekend fly-by

Time sure flies when you are having fun. Having reconfirmed the validity of this saying, you can only conclude what kind of time I had during the weekend. Yes. It starts on F. The weather worked with me, and being with Baya…well, there is only one way everything can go […]