OK, take a look at this article. No wonder DaP does not dare to sign his own name in full, because then he would be lynched on the street for destroying the slovene language.
This is a list of errors that appear in the article and in brackets, you have my remarks:
1. From zero to hero (since when do we use english sentences in slovene articles?? Especially if we have a perfectly good equvivalent “Od bedaka do junaka”?)
2. Če bi Hermann Maier še zmeraj delal kot zidar, bi zaslužil dobrih tisoč evrov mesečno, namesto milijonov, ki jih zasluži danes. (word order! Če bi Hermann Maier še zmeraj delal kot zidar, bi namesto milijonov, ki jih zasluži danes, zaslužil dobrih tisoč evrov mesečno)
3. …v ameriško restavracijo “Zmešana kokoš”… (You never ever translate names of people, restaurants and stuff like that. Crazy chicken is crazy chicken and not zmešana kokoš. If you are going to go this way, why not write Tom Križarjenje instead of Tom Cruise??)
4. Pevka Jewel je delala na kmetiji, čeprav še danes pravi, da ni znala pravilno prav ničesar postoriti. (Pevka Jewel je delala na kmetiji, čeprav še danes pravi, da ni bila kaj prida. Word order and redundancy. What is this guy, paid by the letter?)
5. “Naučil sem se natanko eno stvar: otroci sovražijo klovne. Brcajo vate, po tebi pljuvajo in te polivajo s pijačami.” (Brcajo vate??? Would you stop translating literally you frigging asshole??? It`s Brcajo TE, not brcajo VATE.)
And you`re telling me these guys are journalists??? Sheesh.
Čestitke za pedantnost, kar tako naprej! 🙂
Ampak podnaslov tistega članka je pa priceless: “pekli so in klali”. Ko sem to videl, sem najprej pričakoval luriden članek v stilu Slovenskih novic, njegovo jedro pa bi bil opis kakšnega sadističnega umora in njemu sledeče kanibalske orgije. :)))
This DaP is the master of slovene grammar. His articles are always filled with funny translations, incorrect sentence structures and stuff like that. It`s really amazing that he still does what he does. And for your amusement, follow the thread on the article at http://www.delo.si. Funny shit, really.
update – it`s a she.
Ce bos hiter, bos na http://www.rtvslo.si videl prvo novico s podnaslovom:
“Ob polnoči bodo začeli prisilne izseljervati”.
Si mislil Tomaž Križarjenje?