Month: August 2005


What is this? The media lost bones to pick so now they are picking on airplanes? For fuck sake, I do not want to know when every goddamn ultralight glider goes down, killing the poor sap who was too stupid to ride a bike! I mean seriously, wake me up […]

Where do blogs go?

…after they are deleted? This is a highly irrelevant subject. It`s a mere mental workout, something to ponder about in between work. This is my cigarette break. Call it whatever you like. I remember “my” first blog that was deleted. It was a blog that spawned “The L Files” and […]

Wish you were here…

Wish you were here…

or The art of photoshop thirty years ago — There was a photoshoot of the members of the slovenian composers. Unfortunately, it was scheduled on thursday at five in the afternoon and not everybody could make it. John said he could not make it cause of his tennis lessons. Marie […]

Rush jobs are not to be rushed

Rush jobs are not to be rushed

It was a rush job, ok? I never did this before so excuse me for the lack of notification. Not that it matters, I was only gone for the weekend, plus if you read Bayaland you should have guessed. We went by train which at first seemed like a really […]

Hihi, Haha, HoHo…drop dead!

I love laughter. Honestly, there is nothing more appealing than to see people laugh. Giggling is good too. But it`s that laughter, when you can see a person almost moving around the place by sheer force of laughter. Pure joy. However, I hate when people are laughing at the movies. […]

B for Bored

B for Bored

Scanning isn`t all that fun. Here is a picture of some impalas having more fun. Shot from the Kruger National Park webcam

E for Effective…

This day was E all over. It`s almost amazing how things fit and how everything is going according to the plan. It`s not that I am a “strictly by the book” guy. The plan is simply closing your eyes, thinking of things you need to do and want to do […]