Dear Richard Kofi Addo!
Praiseth the lordth for the day has cometh! I have been praying for a day like today for the last five years and this proveth that god does exist. You came to the right address my dear friend for I will follow your advice to the letter. Please, I hope I am not too late and that you did not contact any other people because they are all thieves! Only I am the one and only soul on this planet, sincere and honest to my very bottom of my heart and I wish nothing more than to oblige you and to go into business with you.
Please for the love of god and everything sacred, I hope this letter finds you and finds you well.
With the utmost respect,
Excellent! My guess is that he’ll start asking you for various bits of information, maybe your bank account number etc., to give the impression that a serious transaction is in the making. Then eventually some unforeseen expense will come up, which he’d of course be glad to pay by himself, if he could, but he hasn’t got that much money left (alas he can’t lay his hands at the $5 million in the escrow account), having spent all he had (he’d even mortgaged his house, his car, his flock of gnus, and his underage children in the process) on various other fees and bribes, so seeing as you’ll be getting $1.66 million for practically no effort, surely you’ll do the decent thing and wire him $10000 by Western Union to help pay for that unforeseen expense, etc., etc. 🙂
By the way, $5 million is an abominably measly sum of money by Nigerian standards. I would recommend you not to waste your time by getting involved in transactions below $20 million at least. 🙂
Anyway, I hope you’ll keep us updated on the further progress of your correspondence. If you want some inspiration, I recommend, one of the best collections of 419-related correspondence on the web.