Month: October 2005

United States of Whatever

People are getting funnier by the day. Honestly, any day now people will stop telling jokes to each other and just describe how their day went and others will crack up laughing. I could be wrong but I guess this is directed at me. No names and very vague, but […]

Apparently, we`re all nuts. And then some.

A while back, the slovene computer magazine “Monitor” published an article about blogs. It stirred up the blogging comunity and fired up one of the hottest debates ever. Now, the author of the original article is back. With Avengeance. The article, published in october edition of the same magazine is […]

…and then the riders took over.

From the subject of “history of journalism” – Horses were the main carriers of news for a long time. — Iz sveta “zgodovine novinarstva” – Konji so bili dolgo časa glavni prinašalci novic.

Taking lives

Taking lives

Serial killers are a fountain of inspiration for the hollywood screen-writers. They are the terra incognita, something nobody knows anything about yet they all wonder. A movie about a serial killer can be divided in four parts. 1. The initial murders 2. The hunt 3. The twist 4. The catharsis […]

Colors anyone?

Dva sprehajalca psov se srečata in psa začneta lajat. Črni laja na belega. Lastnik belega komentira:” A, ga vidiš, rasista! Na črnega laja!” Lastnik črnega psa ugovarja: “Ne vem, če psi vidijo barve!“, lastnik belega pa je prepričan “Zagotovo jih!” — Two dog owners meet and the dogs start barking […]

Buying an iPod…

is a lot like buying a car apparently. There`s a 4 week waiting period. Sheesh. In other news, I spent exactly two hours on the faculty, doing camera-work. Which would be perfectly nice and swell if these two hours would not be stretched from eight to ten o`clock in the […]

Query you, query me…

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