A (moški): A te misice ne znajo druzga k ekonomijo študirat?
B (ženska): Ene umetnost
A (moški): Večina jih ekonomijo pa pravo
B (ženska): To grejo sam tisti študirat, k ne vejo, kaj bi
A (moški): Itak…ampak tko res…študira ekonomijo, je manekenka in dela na letališču kot varnostnica…ja pa pizda..kdaj pa študira? Kaj se jst jebem tle s tem novinarstvom, bom šel za manekena, ekonomista pa še dnar bom mel
B (ženska): Ja, lahko bi bil miss!
A (man): Do these girls know anything else but studying economy and business?
B (woman): Some study art.
A (man): Yeah, but the majority is bent on law and economy.
B (woman): Two courses for the people who have absolutely no idea about what to study.
A (man): For sure…but listen to this…she studies economy, works as a model and as a part-time security guard at the airport…for fucks sake! When does she actually study? I just realised, I am in the wrong business. I ought to study economy, be a model and make tons of money
B (woman): Yeah, you could be a miss.