Ce izbrises ta email, res nimas srca.
Zdravo! Sem 29-letni ocka. Skupaj z zeno sva imela precudovito
zivljenje skupaj. Bog naju je blagoslovil s hcerko. Hcerki je ime Rachel
in je stara komaj 10 mesecev. Nedavno so zdravniki ugotovili, da ima
raka na mozganih v njenem telescu. Obstaja samo en nacin, da jo resijo . z
operacija.Na zalost nimava dovolj denarja, da bi placala opracijo.
AOL in ZDNET sta se odlocila, da nama pomagajo z posljanjem tega emaila.
Pomagajo lahko samo na ta nacin, da sem jaz poslal ta email in ga ti posljes
vsaj 10 osebam. AOL bo sledil temu emailu in belezil koliko oseb je ta email prejelo. Za
vsakogar, ki odpre ta email in ga poslje vsaj 3 osebam,bova midva dobila 32
centov$ (65 SIT) od agencije.
Lea Grabar
designstudio dan d.o.o.
cesta na dobrovo 5
3000 celje
03 425 88 40
For fucks sake!
I really REAlly REALLY do not have time for this bullshit. First of all, there are numerous errors in this mail which clearly show its fraudelant nature. Second, I tend to call this Lea Grabnar tomorrow and inquire of their kid. Third, the whole mail is written by the father, yet the letter bears a lady`s signature. Fourth, spelling errors are a-plenty.
I want this kid dead!
To je staro… v zacetku je krozil v anglescini, potem je to “ena dobra dusa” prevedla v slovenscino. Mislim, da sem ga enkrat fasala celo v italijanscini.
Ce si ga zdaj prvic dobil, imas v bistvu sreco…
obstaja tudi čisto tehnični pomislek: seveda ne AOL ne kdorkoli drug ne more slediti nekakšnemu emajlu…
Hčerki je ime Rachel – so much for that. Sklepam da je ta Lea Grabnar zgolj slučajni podpisnik. Verjetno ma nastavljeno tko, da avtomatsko pripne tist sig na konc maila.
Hja 29-letni Prof.prim., dr.med.,svetnik bi bil res rekorder če bi vse te nazive dosegel z 29-letom. dr Marko Malovrh sicer res obstaja
jaKa, glede sledenja pa si poglej tole
I received such a mail in which a reference was given to a Prof.Dr. Marko Malovrh, nephrologist at the clinical center in Ljubljana. I found out that this person exists and that he is really a professor and a nephrologist, and sent him an e-mail. His reply: A hoax!!! Someone obviously abused him as a false reference…
This whole thing is a bad fraud. Don’t give a tolar to that cheater!
1. In Slovenia, the insurance pays. In any case no real physician would refuse to operate, money or not.
2. A case of a new-born child with a brain tumour would probably be quite a unique medical case.
3. A nephrologist has nothing to do with such cases, but a neurologist has. Someone must have mixed the two medical specialities up.
Its all a shame and maybe a criminal attempt to make money, and it should be a subject of investigation by the police.
However – for fucks sake – to state: “I want this kid dead” is a strange statement. This person may possibly with “kid” mean the fraud, even though it doesn’t look like that, and in that case its quite OK. But if the person really means an assumed child, he or she seems to have a moral tumor in the brain.
Ta pošta še vedno kroži.
Poleg podatkov o zdravniku je tudi podatek o tel. design studia iz Celja (‘podpisnice’ ) točen – in prijazno so povedali, da jim ti dela težave že nekaj let.
Na srečo se ‘I want this kid dead’ nanaša na neobstoječega otroka…
This mail is stil around.
Design studio in Celje exists, and tel# is correct. They confirmed to have nothing (but address published on interent) with this letter. They are bothered with this for several years.
Hope you overcome the I want (anybody and in any situation) dead. Such attitude usually gets responded in similar attistude from the environment, which must be painful to you.
ah, saj ne gre za dejansko groznjo. To sem takrat pisal v afektu, ker me je res razkurilo, da ljudje izkoriščajo maso za tale bolanosti.