Days when you should hang your flag:
8. february, Prešernov dan, slovene cultural holiday,
27. april, Resistance against the fascism day, (can anybody offer a better translation?)
1. and 2. may, labour day,
25. june, Declaration of independence,
26. december, Independence day
When the president or the prime minister or the president of the parliament is officialy leaving the country (no, not for good!) or when he is returning from a visit abroad.
When a foreign leader or a representative of an international organisation pays us a visit and when he leaves
On mourning day, decreeted by the government.
(source: Zakon o grbu, zastavi in himni Republike Slovenije ter o slovenski narodni zastavi)
There you go.
When do you hang your flag?
I never hang it at all, but would be overjoyed to do it if certain of our politicians promised to leave the country for good :)))
Only when I surrender (flag being my panties, me being delighted).
I didn’t hang the flag when Slavoj Žižek flew the country,
but I would, if Andrej Bajuk for example had.
… just kidding 🙂
He can stay, he just has to step down!
… but I would, if Andrej Bajuk for example had …
+ again
Bom kar v slovenščini če lahko.
Sam osebno se strinjam le z 1. majem, 25 junijem in 26.decembrom.
Osebno se mi zdi mal čudno vse skup, zakaj mora bit praznik na dan smrti pesnika in ne na dan rojstva, ki je 3. december (1800). Ponavadi se slavi rojstvo in ne smrt, vsaj tako jaz mislim.
Kar se tiče dneva boja proti okupatorju, naj zastavo obesijo tisti ki jim ta dan res nekaj pomeni, meni osebno bolj malo, saj sem premlad in le bežno poznam ta dan iz ur zgodovine in nimam nobenih čustvenih vezi s tem dnevom.
1. maj praznik dela, ne vem zakaj mora biti še 2. maj praznik, ki si ga pravtako poimenoval kot 1. maj(praznik dela), potemtakem bi morali bita tudi vse druge praznike po dva dni prosti 🙂 OK ampak ker je vsesvetovni praznik naj bo.
Moje skromno mnenje