Month: April 2006

Trieste run!

Trieste run!

I was not kidnapped after all. A disappointment for some, a relief for others. Like everything in this life. It was actually a collaborative event, RAI, RTV SLO and ORF. They are hosting a different subject and different location every time (Klagenfurt – Trieste – Ljubljana). This time the subject […]

Basic instinct and MFSs

Unlike the spinning best penetrator of the 05/06 blog season, I recently saw the original, where Sharon is young and and Michael Douglas looks like a punk. After hearing so much noise about this movie I expected nothing less than a Lord of the rings meets Star wars meets Philadephia […]

Trieste run*

Well, I am off to Trieste tomorrow. Only for a couple of hours, since the radio people invited me to participate in a talk show about students and jobs. And that is all that I know right now. Will talk more when I get back. *I am posting this because […]

Ice age 2: Meltdown

Disclaimer – When writing the following article, I was under the impression that both of the Ice age cartoons were done by Pixar. I now know that I was wrong. Every era must once end. Including the ice age. The story is bringing back the heroes, the mammoth, the sloth […]

Call to arms #2 !

Glavna ideja: Predstaviti bloge, razložiti fenomen in ga pokriti z vseh možnih kotov. Ker imaš sedaj eno malo morje strani, ki ponujajo le delčke. In bi bilo fino, sploh v slovenskem medijskem prostoru, narediti eno referenčno spletno stran, ki bi to povezano in razumljivo predstavljala množici in hkrati mogoče ponudila […]