I started translating WordPress into Slovene. I know, some of you are probably going “OMG! He`s going to mess it up completely, what with his poor English languange skills.” Be that as it may, I have a question for you readers. How would you translate:
"POP3: premature NOOP OK, NOT an RFC 1939 Compliant server"
Žal te je nekdo že prehitel 😛 En drug Domen: http://domn.sopca.com/
Erm. Tisti drugi Domen je prevedel svojo temo. Ne pa celoten wordpress. IMO. Če misliš na tole
Mogoče nekaj v tem stilu:
POP3: Prezgodnji NOOP OK, strežnik se ne drži RFC 1939
Sicer pa, a je taksna sporocila sploh treba prevajati? Tisti, ki ne zna anglesko, se najbrz tudi za protokol POP3 ne zanima kaj posebej… 🙂
ja, to je tudi moje mnenje, da take fenci napake raje pustim v izvirniku, ker če bi meni kdo razlagal da ima tam “nedoraslega” Noop-a, bi štekal še manj kot bi sicer 🙂
Oh, I’ld say “POP3: frühreifes NOOP OK, KEIN mit RFC 1939 übereingehender Server” 🙂
Sorry – I don’t even know what it means in German.
Hehe. Yeah, let`s do that 😀 Translate everything we don`t understand in german 😀
I looked “compliant” up in the dictionary and have absolutely no idea what “willfährig” or is supposed to mean. I know what “compliant” means, but I can’t really translate into proper German. “Übereingehend” isn’t the best solution either. 🙂