Not yet, but in less than 24 hours, a great journey will begin. My bag is packed, I don`t think I`ll be forgetting anything of great importance and tomorrow I`ll be leaving for…
It`s actually business, but since this particular type of business is also pleasure for me, it`s…well…both.
First, it`s time to teach those lawyers a lessons on blogs or…bLAWgs
. It`s a slightly adapted lecture about blogs. Firs t run. We`ll see how it goes;)
Then it`s time to pay Michael a visit at his working place. He probably won`t be there, but I was told that Sebastijan Matul will do me live. On air, of course. Perverts 😛
And then I am told to forget about football and imagine new software. Erm..gottcha. Kidding, I am suppose to have the opening speech to a debate about blogs being the newspaper, radio and television of tomorrow. Sounds like fun 🙂
If anybody feels like dropping by on any of the events, feel free to do so. The more, the merrier!