mAt asked the question, so here is the answer. And I promise I`ll keep it brief.
Translating something is not just an issue of functionality. For sure, people get used to foreign software and they learn to press the right button, even if they don`t know what the name on the button means. I remember my first moves in the computer world where I would learn the commands by heart, not really knowing the reason and the logic behind them.
There is always a but.
In this case, the translation is an excellent opportunity for expanding the borders of one`s language. Slovene language is very poor on tech-words and I am always trying to push the slovene version, updating and refreshing my mother`s tongue. Which is important, because we would not want to find ourself in a place where the only thing we could describe died twenty-five years ago. Not a very pleasant thought.
Another reason is that people want the software to speak their own language. Despite the fact that most of the IT guys prefer error reporting in english, it`s always nice to be able to click on “Piši” instead of “Write”, on “Objavi” instead of “Publish” and on “Odjava” instead of “Logout”. Feeling secure in the working environment is important.
And as for reason de force…why the hell not?
Hja, ne vem kaj bi si mislil. Po eni strani prevajaš WordPress v Slovenščino in pišeš, da je to dobro za jezik, sam pa pišeš dnevnik v Angleščini. Halo?!? Mogoče ti delam krivico, ampak a si morda kaj pogledal koliko imaš komentarjev na tvoje blog objave? Skratka, menim, da bi bilo lepše, če bi pisal svoje blog zapise v Slovenščini. Tako boš bolj prispeval k razširitvi Slovenščine, kot pa če prevajaš programsko opremo.
Hvala lepa za odgovor na moje vprasanje. Prejsnjega komentarje ne mislim komentirat, ker ni vreden omembe. Cookie je komercialna pizda, zaradi tega pise v anglescini in daje noter @google booster@ poste, da cim vec ljudi bere, sej ves, cock enlargment, midget DVDA pa to ne! 😛
Zdaj pa resno…glede prevajanje mehkowara. Mene predvsem moti, da so doloceni prevodi “blesavi”, nerazumljivi in~~~~
Sorry will start over in English:
Thanx for the answer to my question. I will not comment on the previous comment, cause it is not worth it. Cookie is a commercial cunt, that is why he’s writing in English and puts in @google booster@ posts, so more people will read it, you know cock enlargment and midget DVDA! 😛
OK, now seriously about the translation of the software…The thing that disturbs me is that slovene commands tend to be silly, idiotic and uncomprehensible. EXmp:Sony Ericsson Z200 menu in SLO:
Sounds & alerts-Zvoki in opozor.
then you have some crap like: znacilno zvonjenje…WTF?
Merilnik casa…WTF again?
SLovene just doesn’t sound right for this sort of stuff. I love my language and I am 100% for everything that is slovene almost, but give me a brake with software translation or make is somehow decent. I haven’t read cookies translation of wordpress, so I can not say anything about it.
exactly my point. Slovene just does not sound right. You know why? Because nobody is trying to systematize the language and establish some ground rules. So then, they are doing ad hoc translations which do not refer, which do not check if anybody else is doing something similar. All these translation do is input even more confusion in the language, terminology and words.
As for sounding right…this comes with actually using a word. Usage makes the word sound “right”.
As for Eh…not everybody understand slovene and if you`ll check you`ll see that I am currently involved into two more blog projects which are both in slovene. Two out of three is not THAT bad, right?
Kalin Golobova bi bila ziher ponosna hehehe 😀
Is there an english version of a codified OS or software language dictionary? i don’ think so. Besides that I really hate the Fench keyboards. the y suck!
Another thought that crossed my mind. If you translate a CS term into slovene you have 3 options: use an existing slovene word, that will sound silly, use a slovenized word (like your favourite: copypastati) or invent something completely new which will also be stupid! What is your main goal in this case, keep the language pure and invent word (the croatian way) or is it open to anglos-axon contaminations?
I usually coordinate with the previous terms. I usually go with the word that is used the most. Inventing new words sucks and slovenized words are best to be avoided. If the word itself is not available, you try to do a describatory translation. Which sucks, but not as much as “kopipejstati”.