Day 2 May 23, 2006 Day 2 scores: AVS: 25.7 km/h MXS: 42.0 km/h ATM: 2:14:55 DST: 57.92 km Remarks – Windy as hell, first sunburn of the year 2006 Related Posts:Piromani v gasilskem društvu Podpri nas! Če so ti vsebine tega bloga všeč, ga podpri prek donatorske platforme Nov dan
I hope you were only riding a bike, and not – as in my case – running; if, you would have set a new wooorld record for a marathon and 1/4 🙂
Hehe. Bike is my drug. Cannot stand running. Don`t know why. It`s not fast enough I guess. And yeah, running 40 km per hour would be a blast. Who needs those stupid buses anyway ;)?
my next drug is going to be triathlon.
running i looove, cycling too…just have to learn how to swim 🙂
Sem imel podobno izkušnjo prejšnjo soboto, samo malenkost daljšo.