Seriously…when will the Hollywood learn that cellphones are not a good movie-subject?
And when will the producers of the movie stop faking comments on IMDB?
I stopped watching after 20 minutes. 20 minutes was all the crap I could take from them.
Seriously…when will the Hollywood learn that cellphones are not a good movie-subject?
And when will the producers of the movie stop faking comments on IMDB?
I stopped watching after 20 minutes. 20 minutes was all the crap I could take from them.
žalostno da prihajajo taki muvlaki v slovenske kinote!
p.s.: Mišn posibl 3: Tom Kruz rešuje vse živo, skače po šanghaju kot fetmen in spajdamen in tik pred iztekom časa, ko mora cellularno poklicat “the bad guya” da mi ne preštiha žene…..on nima signala na celularcu. In faaaking centru šanghaja…. pa sm mislu, da američani res nimajo smisla za humor
Jaz sem sicer Cellular gledal na DVDju, ampak vseeno. “Ne morte to tko!” 😀
Didn’t see the movie, but I thought it was cool because of the presence of Kim Basinger. She looked old there though. Well, crappy it is.