Apparently, I am a big hit in Macedonia. Or at least my phone number is. For the past two days I`ve been getting calls from an unknown number that is hosted by a macedonian mobile provider Mobimak.
If anybody wants to play hide and seek with the assholes, here`s the number
Does anybody know how to turn off a particular number?
Obvestiš Mobitel, da te nekdo s te številke nadleguje in oni bodo ustrezno ukrepali.
Thanks Simon. I`ll try that.
In kaj doticna oseba zeli ali govori?
Jaz sem bil par let nazaj za nekaj casa Mercatorjev trgovec za Gorenjsko, sodec po klicih. :))
They don`t want anything. It`s not a wrong number situation. It˙s let`s bug this guy situation cause they ring once and hang up. But they stopped now. Hopefully for good.