A: And now for some mačo bulšit
B: Jes?
A: Ver igls der!
A: Evo da vidm če boš uganla
B: Where eagles dare
B: Kaj je to?
A: clint eastwood, richard burton, blonde bimbo no.3, akcija, kri, puške! naciji! mačooo!!
B: poletje je tu, a?
A: sam še surov šnicl morm met tle, da bom vsakič ko bodo nacija koknili, ugriznil v surovo meso in zarjovel ko un lev na začetku!
A: and now for some macho bull shit
B: What?
A: Where Eagles Dare.
B: What is that?
A: clint eastwood, richard burton, blonde bimbo no. 3, action, blood, guns, nazis! Macho! All I need now is a raw steak. So every time they kill a nazi, I can bite into the raw meat and roar like that lion at the beginning of the show!