You don`t need fancy plugins.
You don`t need fancy cars.
You don`t need a lot of money.
All you need is love…
oh and this…
< a title="Submit '< ?php the_title(); ? >' to" href="< ?php the_permalink() ? >" >
Reddit this!
Take this piece of code, correct the brackets and shove it…erm…into the INDEX.PHP
Preferably in here
< p class="postmetadata">Posted in < ?php the_category(', ') ?> | < ?php edit_post_link('Edit', '', ' | '); ?> < ?php comments_popup_link('No Comments »', '1 Comment »', '% Comments »'); ? >
That is all.
S tem predvidevaš da ljudje uporabljajo default (kubrick) temo za wordpress. Dejstvo pa je da ni povsod isto (je pa podobno).
Lahko se orientiraš tudi po permalinku – pred ali po pa je spet odvisno od teme. Se prilagajaš.