Month: September 2006

…and another geek question.

How do you add a clickable hotspot that links to a html file in a flash file? ps and since the comments aren`t working, referr to the contact on the right. pps thanks to gorgeous David, the comments are back in full force!

This just in…

RTV Slovenija, the national television station, has a blog! Thanks to Baya for noticing! Analysis tomorrow…

Thin red…gum

A: Pa kaj so si fehtarji zdaj zmislili…z blokom okrog hodjo po čopovi kao da so amnesty…če ne bi mela takih zjebanih zob…sploh opazu ne bi…čeprav amnesty je pa tud ena ciganarija…tko da čist možno da je bla od amnesty. — A: Beggars have a new strategy. They carry folders […]