While you were busy doing god knows what, I was interviewing the mayor of Brezovica muncipiality. Check it out on E-demokracija.si
While you were busy doing god knows what, I was interviewing the mayor of Brezovica muncipiality. Check it out on E-demokracija.si
Development of communications in the last decade has a strong influence also on the local communities. Because the municipalities respond to these changes in a differentiated way the differences among them are increasing.
The main purpose of the invitation – proposal is to use the existing technical possibilities to the benefit of everybody. The goal is the improvement of the information exchange inside a local community (among working bodies, organizations, settlements and among people) as well as outside the local community) with neighboring municipalities, inside the interest region and statistical region, in Slovenia, Europe and in the world.
The main conditions for this are: acquiring of the technical knowledge, the suitable technical equipment and infrastructural network, creating of trustful personal relations and sincere cooperation. For this is needed a moderator which can lead a dialogue among people with differing ideas.
Electronic management facilitates a quicker overview of different standpoints and proposals about general problems. They should be in such a way that a general agreement could be reached among people with differing opinions. This means that it is necessary to transform the mutual confrontation of different opinions into the search for optimal solutions of individual problems.
Many people are not in favor of electronic management.
According to my opinion the websites could be comparatively divided into local prospects, books or newspapers. Also a closed or open booklet could be added. Openness or closeness could be an indicator of the degree to which a responsible person understands the democracy, but the contents of the website is an indicator of how the people who create the website understand it.
In the majority of municipalities the mutual shaping of the municipal website is not facilitated because of the fear of unforeseeable contents.
In the website of the Municipality Brezovica (http:/brezovica.si) could cooperate everybody. This makes it even more actual and interesting as it serves all he people.
Drago Stanovnik; mayor 041 638 438
Drago Stanovnik
Curriculum vitae
Drago Stanovnik was born on february 20 th 1961. He lives in Vnanje Gorice in a rural area 15 km from Ljubljana-the capital of Slovenia. He has been active in the village and parish community from his early youth. He finished the electrotechnical school and he is finishing high school VSUPNM..
As a member of the Vnanje gorice local community council and as chairman of the youth organisation he was linking the people of different convictions.
After serving the military service in Montenegro he worked for some time in Iraq. In the difficult circumstances of that time he intensively felt the need for peace and safety.
He is married and has three sons of the age from 11, 14 and 17 years.
He has been a mayor of the municipality Brezovica already 12 years and the third mandate.
He cooperates in the project »Revival of cities and villages and of the confidence among people«. He is active in various civil and church associations.
He likes to write and archive the media events.
He works for the development of the municipality Brezovica and suppports the activities of many associations and clubs.
He hopes that he will also in the future continue with his work.