So we were watching Perfume: The story of murderer and we just got to the part of the real movie (apparently, the movie night out consists of commercials, trailers and by then if you can still remember what movie did you go out to see in the first place, the actual movie) when lights turned on. The movie kept playing and after a few minutes the movie stopped playing as well, the guy came in and said: “We got a report of a bomb. Please exit calmly, all tickets will be refunded.”
Out of the following three reactions, which one do you think prevailed?
a) Oh my fucking god! They are going to kill us all! *stampede*
b) What? You`re joking! *laughter*
c) Shit, let`s get the fuck out of here *scuttle*
There were some things that bother me.
They evacuated the Kolosej theater but not the McDonald’s, which is located beneath it. The refund is only valid if you cash it in at the Kolosej and not at Komuna, which also sells tickets for the Kolosej and is waaaay closer. According to this report by Delo, the swat team only took half an hour to scan the entire multi complex, and by the count of cars parked outside, there was (only) 20 cops (tops) at the scene. One does wonder how seriously these threats are taken by the police itself. And of course…there was no bomb. So much for my keanu-reeves-speed moment.
Another thing is the reaction of the crowd. People were laughing and taking it as a joke. I know that these things happened before and that the Kolosej is a popular target of prank calls, but still… amazing just how used to this sort of crap one becomes. A bomb? Blow me (away).
Holy shit!!! There was actually an audience at Kolosej?
I was in Maribor’s Kolosej recently and there were exactly four people there. If there had been a bomb threat, there would have been no one to evacuate. Jokes aside: bomb pranks are the suck.
True, true.
Well, if someone had called in a Gypsy instead of a bomb I’m sure the cops would be swarming the place in a matter of minutes. Especially if the caller talked in a Dolenjska-drawl. Or maybe someone should have reported that a group of Croatian workers is trying to build a dam in front of Kolosej. The police would have surely requested air support (both planes!)
OK, I’m being sick, but that’s the mental state of this country right now 😉 But I agree with you. People will stop taking it seriously and then something will blow up for real….
Ah, probably just some kind of an inter-active 3D thingie – as opposed to the one offered on the other side of the yard (Vodafone Arena). 😉