I have got a 6 month old HP notebook at work – one of those ironing boards – and got nothing to complain about. But I guess, this won’t really help you.
Samsung is cool, but you can not get one in Slovenia. I would also try LG, but the situation here is the same. HP? I had Compaq and that was by far the best laptop I ever had. Now, you can not get THE Compaq any more…
I proposed Lenovo (IBM), but Domen was not interested.
So – go with one you like and buy additional guarantee.
baterija na tošibi res ni buhvekej, ampak tudi na hapeju ni bila. prav dosti pa je verjetno ne boš rabil. če kupuješ prenosnik za resno prenašanje in delo brez štroma, potem itak ne glej reči, ki tehtajo kaj dosti več kot kilogram.
po moje se sedaj že dobijo tisti, ki imajo sliko v barvah. Pa fajn je, če dela PING, a najboljše je – sem po televiziji gledal – da če prisloniš uho v kot prenosnika, slišiš morje!
I have got a 6 month old HP notebook at work – one of those ironing boards – and got nothing to complain about. But I guess, this won’t really help you.
Kaj pa kej sadnega?
sadje me ne zanima. sploh. mam dost vitaminov 🙂
jaz sem imel prej hapeja, zdaj pa tošibo. oba sta se dobro obnesla, ampak tošiba je pa le tošiba.
jaka – od brumca sem slišal, da je tošiba napram hp slabša. da je bolj baterija v kurcu. any koments?
Try this!
Go with the Toshiba, I’ve never had good experiences with HP, plus HP now owns Compaq…that makes them even worse! 🙂
Jaz sem precej zadovoljen uporabnik že drugega HP-ja, tako da bi priporočal kar HP-jevo izbiro. Cena je tako precej podobna, pa še lepši je.
Samsung is cool, but you can not get one in Slovenia. I would also try LG, but the situation here is the same. HP? I had Compaq and that was by far the best laptop I ever had. Now, you can not get THE Compaq any more…
I proposed Lenovo (IBM), but Domen was not interested.
So – go with one you like and buy additional guarantee.
baterija na tošibi res ni buhvekej, ampak tudi na hapeju ni bila. prav dosti pa je verjetno ne boš rabil. če kupuješ prenosnik za resno prenašanje in delo brez štroma, potem itak ne glej reči, ki tehtajo kaj dosti več kot kilogram.
po moje se sedaj že dobijo tisti, ki imajo sliko v barvah. Pa fajn je, če dela PING, a najboljše je – sem po televiziji gledal – da če prisloniš uho v kot prenosnika, slišiš morje!
Glede na to, da je na obeh Vista…nobenega.