We own a Renault Modus. And lately, I feel like ramming it into a brick wall. First off, there was the alarm issue. Every time you unlocked the car with the remote, the alarm went off. We took it to repairs three times before they finally managed to get it right. And even then, it took them almost fourteen days.
The car`s been home for almost two weeks now and I just drove my sis to the train station. When I wanted to pay the parking fee, I rolled down my window and there was this clunk! sound and the window stayed down. So now, I have my car parked outside with the fucking window rolled down. Great!
Renault sucks major donkey cocks!
Update: They fixed the window in an hour.
Hehe I hate Renault’s too. They have some very oddball looking models & transmissions.
Well if it’s sounds like it’s the window regulator (happened on my Mazda about a year ago). I assume you have power windows and not the hand crank kind…so if it’s just the one window and you can still hear the motor inside the door running when trying to raise the window it’s the cable that most likely came off the regulator reel, or some other part broke inside and is jamming it.
I hope the car isn’t too new.
I have Renaults all my life: first “Katra”, than “Twingo”, now “Scenic”. With any of them I have no problems at all. Do you think I should better knock on wood? :- )
@Michael – By the sound of it, the whole damn thing came off. You can`t even see the tip of the window…it`s all gone…erm…indoors 😉
@Domen: Yeah, that sounds like the regulator then, once that goes if it gave out when the window was down it sinks, to the very bottom of the door. I’m sure the same thing happened to yours like mine did.
@Domen: just to let you know, I had the same problem with my window a few weeks ago. You can read about it on my blog.
And about Renault – I know I won’t buy it any time soon.
My first car was Renault 5. I never changed oil in motor so after few years it had average fuel consumption around 10 liters gasoline. With this car I had three major incidents. Once a drive after one very fast car, some japan stationwagen, an get into the sharp corner with over 80 km/h. My car went off the ground, then I hit into the bankina (this I don’t know how to translate) and finally land on the side of my car. The only way to get out was to open window and climb out. My first Renault 5 had very high max speed for 1.2 motor. Over 180 km/h. I like it.
The cost of replacing the motorized mechanism for the power operated window on my AR156 are about 200€ + labour so I hope your option with Renault is cheaper or that the guarantee is still valid 😛
yep, car is still under warranty.
That’s good. I hope the repair didn’t cost too much.
err…hehe…I guess if it’s under warranty it should of cost you nothing. 🙂
V nasprotju z mnogimi jaz alarmom nikdar nisem prav hudo zaupal. Znanec je pred leti sredi noči v spodnjicah skakal iz hotelske postelje, ker je avtu na parkirišču očitno občasno postajalo dolgčas. Menda ni bil navdušen, saj je menil, da je svoje nočne tegobe že prej oddelal z domačima dojenčkoma. Če bi že moral, bi izbral tovarniško vgrajenega – homologiranega, atestiranega, certificiranega in vse ostalo, kar bi mi vlivalo vsaj malo zaupanja vanj.
Upam, da so napako na oknu popravili hitro in brezplačno v okviru jamstva. Predvsem pa upam, da bo odslej mir. Sem namreč zelo zagret oboževalec Modusa in to ne le po službeni dolžnosti. 🙂
Hej Bojan! Alarm je bil serijski in vse ostalo, vseeno pa so morali poklical Francoze in je trajalo. Okno so popravili v eni uri. 🙂
Renault in garancija?
Pri 6 let starem meganu menjajo tesnilo glave motorja, v garanciji…
Že vedo zakaj. Jaz sicer ne, ampak najbrž ne samo ker so tako froody.
Še dobro, da so mi nesrečo ukradli. 😐
@ m: Popravilo na 6 let starem avtu zagotovo ne spada pod jamstvo. Ker nimam točnih podatkov, zadeve ne morem preveriti. Lahko le predvidevam, da so najbrž ugotovili možnost za napako pri določeni seriji in so se odločili za brezplačno popravilo/zamenjavo. Še vedno bolje tako, kot da bi motor kasneje celo zaribal – ne glede na vprašanje, koliko bi to potem stalo (in koga)…
Minuli teden je Carlos Ghosn (predsednik Renaulta) na novinarsko vprašanje o škodljivosti vpoklicev za ugled avtomobilske znamke odgovoril nekako takole: “Vedno in pri vseh izdelovalcih obstaja verjetnost, da se pojavijo kakšne napake. Kupci dejstvo, da je proizvajalec napako ugotovil, priznal in poskrbel za odpravo lahko razumejo in sprejmejo. Škodljivo za znamko pa je, če morebitne ugotovljene napake zataji in celo ne prevzame odgovornosti za njih. Česa takega pa kupci ne bodo sprejeli.”
Meni bi se zdelo lepo, če bi mi na tako starem izdelku (avtu) brezplačno nekaj zamenjali, ker so ob spremljanju kakovosti ugotovili, da bi lahko tisti del odpovedal in me pustil na cesti, zatem pa še temeljito izpraznil denarnico.
Upam, da je zavarovalnica pokrila vsaj velik del škode zaradi kraje avtomobila.
haha…Im so sorry about this! You know, renault modus is made here, in the city where I live, Valladolid. My boyfriend works also in Renault, but in another factory, 1 hour far from Valladolid, they make Scenic.
Modus have bad fame in Spain, and they have sold not so much as they imagined… You know, next time, you should choose another car!