Tole obeta.
Skladba My Apocalypse je poklon prvencu Metallice, ki so ga izdali daljnega leta 1983. V My Apocalypse je začutiti energijo in melodijo skladbe The four hoursman, ki je izšla na prvencu, skladba pa dokazuje, da zna James svoj utrujeni glas še kako dobro skriti za pravimi rifi kitare in dobrim bobnanjem.
Tudi dolžina skladbe je ravno pravšnja, da poslušalca ne zapusti prehitro, na drugi strani pa mu pusti dihati in ne utruja s dolgočasnim ponavljanjem istega refrena. V komadu tudi ni pretirano dolgih kitarskih solaž, celotna kompozicija pa lepo stoji skupaj. Sicer ne vem, zakaj se skupina ni tega komada odločila izdati kot prvo singel ploščo, ampak odgovor na to vprašanje je irelevanten. O besedilu pesmi pa tudi tokrat: No comment.
My Apocalypse
Claustrophobic, Crawl out of this skin
High Explosive, Reach and pull that pin
Fear Thy Name: Extermination
Desecrating hail of fire
So we cross that line
Into the crypt; Total eclipse
Suffer unto My Apocalypse
Deadly Vision, Prophecy reveal
Death Magnetic, Pulling closer still
Fear Thy Name: Annihilation
Desolating hail of fire
So we cross that line
into the crypt; total eclypse
Suffer unto My Apocalypse
My Apocalypse
Crushing Metal ripping skin
Tossing body manequins
Spilling blood bleeding gas
Mangled flesh snapping spines
Dripping bloody valentine
shattered face spitting glass
Split apart
Split apart
Split apart
Spit it out
What makes me drift a little bit closer
Dead man takes the steering wheel
What makes me know what time to cross over
Want to repeat until i feel
See thru the skin the bones they are rattled
Future and past that disagree
Flesh falls away the bones they all shatter
Pass time to see the end in me
See the end in me
Claustrophobic, climb out of this skin
High explosive, Reach and pull that pin
Violate; annihilate
lose into my eyes
Obliterate; exterminate
If not accept; deny
Fear thy name as hell awakens
Destiny in hail of fire
So we cross that line
Into the crypt; total eclypse
Suffer unto my apocalypse
Tyrants awaken my apocalypse
Demon awaken my apocalypse
Heaven awaken my apocalypse
Suffer forever my apocalypse