Posvetimo se še preostalim skladbam na zadnjem albumu skupine Metallica, Death Magnetic. V preteklosti sem že ocenil skladbe My Apocalypse, The day that never comes in Cyanide, sedaj pa preglejmo še ostalih sedem skladb, ki se nahajajo na albumu. Recenzijo sem dopolnil z YouTube posnetki skladb, tako da vam ne bo treba skakati sem ter tja oziroma da mi boste lahko takoj povedali, kako zelo se motim in kako je to najboljši album na svetu. Metal up your ass!
- That was just your life
- The end of the line
- Broken, beat & bruised
- All nightmare long
- The Unforgiven III
- The Judas Kiss
- Suicide & Redemption
That was just your life (7:08)
Zveni zelo podobno kot Damage Inc. s kultnega albuma Master of Puppets in je zelo kvalitetna žagarija. Ravnopravšnja hitrost, da jo lahko James Hetfield dohaja in ji parira s svojim utrujenim glasom. Obvezna solaža se nahaja v zadnjih dveh minutah sedem minutne skladbe, pa tudi bobni niso za odmet (ne zvenijo preveč plastično).
Metallica – That was just your life
Like a siren in my head that always threatens to repeat,
Like a blind man that is strapped into the speeding driver's seat,
Like a face that learned to speak, when all it knew was how to bite,
Like a misery that keeps me focused though I've gone astray,
Like an endless nightmare that i must awaken from each day.
Like Conviction,
A premonition,
Not worthy of so i deny ...... I deny.
I blind my eyes and try to force it all into place,
I stitch them up, see not my fall from grace.
I blind my eyes, i hide and feel it passing me by,
I open just in time to say goodbye.
Almost like your life,
Almost like your endless fight,
Curse, the day is long,
Realize you don't belong,
Disconnect somehow,
Never stop the bleeding now,
Almost like your fight,
And there it went,
Almost like your life.
Like a wound that keeps on bleeding to remind me not to think,
Like a raging river drowning when i only need a drink,
Like a poison that i swallow, but i want the world to die.
Like a release from prison that i didn't know i was in,
Like a fight to live the past i prayed to leave from way back then,
Like a general without a mission until the wars will start again ...... start again.
I blind my eyes and try to force it all into place,
I stitch them up, see not my fall from grace.
I blind my eyes, i hide and feel it passing me by,
I open just in time to say goodbye.
Almost like your life,
Almost like your endless fight,
Curse, the day is long,
Realize you don't belong,
Disconnect somehow,
Never stop the bleeding now,
Almost like your fight,
And there it went,
Almost like your life.
Like a touch from hell to feel how hot that it can get if I get caught,
Like a strike from heaven to reprieve that brings you straight down to your knees,
Almost like your life,
Almost like your endless fight,
Curse, the day is long,
Realize you don't belong,
Disconnect somehow,
Never stop the bleeding now,
Almost like your fight,
And there it went,
Almost like your life.
That was just your life.
The end of the line (7:52)
Primerjamo jo lahko s skladbo Creeping death z albuma Ride the lightning, kjer se je Hetfield posluževal podobnega na-pol-recitiranja. V skladbi so bolj na udaru bobni, medtem ko so kitare in bas vključeni samo kot podporni inštrumenti, razen v zadnji solaži, kjer dobijo malo več glasu. Počasnejša kot njena predhodnica, pa tudi bolj dolgočasna. Zaključek zveni kot Rage against the machine.
Metallica – That was just your life
Need... More and more
Tainted misery.
Bleed... Battle scars
Chemical affinity.
Reign... Legacy
Innocence corrode.
Stain... Rot away
Catatonic overload.
Choke... Asphyxia
Snuff reality.
Scorch... Kill the light
Incinerate celebrity.
Reaper... Butchery
Karma amputee.
Bloodline... Redefine
Death contagious deity.
Hooked into this deceiver
Need more and more
Into the endless fever
Need more and more
New consequence machine
You burn through all your gasoline.
Asylum overtime
You've reached the end of the line.
Time... Choke the clock
Steal another day.
Die... Faithfully
Narcissistic fade away.
Twisted... Jump the rail
Shatter the crowd below.
Breaker... Chase the ghost
From latest high to alltime low.
Hooked into this deceiver
Need more and more
Into the endless fever
Need more and more
New consequence machine
You burn through all your gasoline.
Asylum overtime
You've reached the end of the line.
Drop the hourglass of time
Spilling sand we will not find
As we gather here today
We bid farewell...
The slave becomes the master.
The slave becomes the master.
The slave becomes the master.
The slave becomes the master
Need more and more
Right now and everafter
Need more and more
New consequence machine
You burn through all your gasoline.
Asylum overtime
Dead hourglass of time
Sand we will not ever find
We gather here today
Say goodbye
Cause you've reached the end of the line.
The end of the line.
The end of the line.
The end of the line.
You've reached the end of the line.
Dolgočasno. Ponavljajoče kitare&bobni in recitacijski pevski vložki. Eden slabših komadov na celotni plošči. Solaža na začetku je rahlo predolga, mogoče bi bilo bolje, če bi Hetfield in druščina to skladbo predelali v inštrumentalno skladbo in si rešili vsaj del kože.
Metallica – Broken, beat & bruised
You rise.
You fall.
You’re down, then you rise again.
What don’t kill ya make ya more strong.
Rise, fall, down, rise again
What don’t kill ya make ya more strong.
Rise, fall, down, rise again
What don’t kill ya make ya more strong.
Through black days
Through black nights
Through pitch black insides
Breaking your teeth on the hard life comin’.
Show your scars.
Cutting your feet on the hard earth runnin’.
Show your scars.
Breaking your life, broken, beat and scarred
But we die hard.
The dawn,
The death,
The fight to the final breath.
What don’t kill ya make ya more strong.
Dawn, death, fight, final breath.
What don’t kill ya make ya more strong.
Dawn, death, fight, final breath.
What don’t kill ya make ya more strong.
They scratch me
They scrape me
They cut and rape me
Breaking your teeth on the hard life comin’.
Show your scars.
Cutting your feet on the hard earth runnin’.
Show your scars.
Breaking your life, broken, beat and scarred
But we die hard
Breaking your teeth on the hard life comin’.
Show your scars.
Cutting your feet on the hard earth runnin’.
Show your scars.
Bleeding your soul in a hard luck story.
Show your scars.
Spilling your blood in the hot sun’s glory.
Show your scars.
Breaking your life, broken, beat and scarred
We die hard.
Boljša od predhodnice, vsaj na glasbenem nivoju, medtem ko je področju besedila in izvedbe prav tako šepajoča. Druga najslabša skladba na plošči.
Metallica – All Nightmare Long
Luck. Runs. Out.
Crawl from the wreckage one more time.
Horrific memory twists the mind.
Dark, rutted, cold and hard to turn.
Path of destruction feel it burn.
Still life… incarnation.
Still life… infamy.
Still you run, what’s to come, what’s to be.
Cause we...
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Luck. Runs. Out.
You crawl back in,
But your luck runs out.
Luck. Runs. Out.
The light that is not light is here
To flush you out with your own fear
You hide, you hide but will be found
Release your grip without a sound
Still life… immolation.
Still life… infamy.
Still you run, what’s to come, what’s to be.
Cause we...
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Luck. Runs. Out.
You crawl back in, but your luck runs out.
Then you crawl back in,
Into your obsession.
Never to return.
This is your confession.
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Luck. Runs. Out.
You crawl back in, but your luck runs out.
Your luck runs out.
Sicer ne vem, zakaj se skupina še vedno šlepa na nekakšno nadaljevanje skladb z istim naslovom, ki nimajo nič skupnega. Tretji del Neoproščenega je nekje med trdoto prvega in mehkobo drugega. Mogoče sem pogrešal malo več melodije in mogoče bolj konkretno podporo baterije inštrumentov, ki so kompozicije krasili na prejšnjih ploščah. Ta skladba bi jih vsekakor potrebovala, saj je relativno zelo počasna in umirjena, tudi v dvominutni končni solaži.
Metallica – The Unforgiven III
How could he know this new dawn’s light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea, but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure.
Was he the one causing pain
With his careless dreaming?
Been afraid, always afraid,
Of the things he’s feeling.
He could just be gone.
He would just sail on
He’ll just sail on.
How can I be lost, if I’ve got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold,
How come it’s got so cold?
How can I be lost? In remembrance I relive.
And how can I blame you,
When it’s me I can’t forgive?
These days drift on inside a fog
Thick and suffocating.
His sinking life, outside its hell.
Inside, intoxicating.
He’s run aground. Like his life,
Water much too shallow.
Slipping fast, down with his ship,
Fading in the shadows.
Now a castaway.
They’ve all gone away.
They’ve gone away.
How can I be lost, if I’ve got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold,
How come it’s got so cold?
How can I be lost? In remembrance I relive.
And how can I blame you,
When it’s me I can’t forgive?
Forgive me.
Forgive me not.
Why can’t I forgive me?
Set sail to sea, but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure.
How could he know this new dawn’s light
Would change his life forever?
How can I be lost, if I’ve got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold,
How come it’s got so cold?
How can I be lost? In remembrance I relive.
So how can I blame you,
When it’s me I can’t forgive?
Preveč recitiranja in preveč sekanja skladbe, s katero si skupina kupuje čas in daje občutek ostrine in hitrosti. V resnici je občutek ravno obraten – skladba nikakor ne steče in tako imaš osemminutno skladbo razdrobljeno na osem minutnih koščkov, ki se lovijo in grizejo v rep.
When the world has turned its back
When the days have turned pitch black
When the fear abducts your tongue
When the fire’s dead and gone
So, what now?
Where go I?
When you think it’s all said and done.
When you are the ostracized
Selfish ridden dead goodbyes
Twisting on the tourniquet
When the pieces never fit
So, what now?
Where go I?
When you think it’s all said and done.
Bow down
Sell your soul to me
I will set you free
Pacify your demons
Bow down
Surrender unto me
Submit infectiously
Sanctify your demons
Into abyss,
You don’t exist.
Cannot resist,
The Judas kiss.
When the storm has blacked your sky
Intuition crucify
When the ego strips your reign.
Assassinate the living flame.
So, what now?
Where go I?
When you think it’s all said and done.
Venom of a life insane
Bites into your fragile vein
Internalize and decimate
Patronize and complicate
So, what now?
Where go I?
When you think it’s all said and done.
Bow down
Sell your soul to me
I will set you free
Pacify your demons
Bow down
Surrender unto me
Submit infectiously
Sanctify your demons
Into abyss,
You don’t exist.
Cannot resist,
The Judas kiss.
Judas lives, recite this vow.
I’ve become your new god now.
Followed you from dawn of time
Whispered thoughts into your mind.
Watched your towers hit the ground
Lured your children never found
Helped your kings abuse their crown
In the heart of feeble man
Plant the seed of my own plan
The strong and powerful will fall
Find a piece of me in all…
Inside you all,
So, bow down
Sell your soul to me
I will set you free
Pacify your demons
Bow down
Surrender unto me
Submit infectiously
Sanctify your demons
Into abyss,
You don’t exist.
Cannot resist,
The Judas kiss.
Da se vrača h koreninam, skupina dokazuje tudi z inštrumentalno skladbo, podvig, ki so ga na zadnje izvedli na albumu Master of Puppets, pred več kot dvajsetimi leti. Vendar jim do Oriona manjka še veliko. Skladba Suicide & Redemption je tako kot njena predhodnica razdrobljena in nasekljana, bolj primerna za vaje v slogu kot pa za resno dokazovanje znanja in stila igranja. Tudi če je ne bi bilo…plošča bi zvenela boljše.
So člani skupine dokazali, da so se česa naučili iz katastrofalnega St. Anger? So. Plošča je boljša kot St. Anger. Je plošča dobra? Ne. Do klasik Master of Puppets ali …And justice for all ji manjka svežine, do pop-metala plošč Load, Reload in Black pa bi morala Metallica znebiti nazobčanosti in prevelikega sekanja melodij.
Zanimiva ocena, strinjam se s tem, da fantje reciklirajo stare komade in da zadeva ni na nivoju Masterja, ne strinjam pa se, da plošča ni dobra. Po enem mesecu intenzivnega poslušanja, mi je še vedno (in vedno bolj) odlična.
Da imajo vsaka ušesa svojega malarja pa dokazuje All Nightmare Long – meni se zdi komad absolutno fucking awesome! 🙂
Pogrešam predvsem liričnost. Tukaj je preveč prisoten pop vzorec – malo besedila, veliko refrena.