
A veš tist, k sem šel tja in videl tisto, ker potem pojedel uno? No … tist.


The last post reads a little funny. “This was designed by Plecnik and is believed to be of unique construction. It`s a bit shaky, I think cause it was cold yesterday…“ By this I mean that the photo is shaky. Not the actual bridge itself. The bridge is strong. Despite […]

And now for something completely different...

And now for something completely different…

cimg4317 Originally uploaded by Domen Savic. L stands for Ljubljana. So I guess every once in a while you`ll take a look through my eyes and see this city. Town. Whatever.The Three bridges were constructed due to a particular follow of events. There was an earthquake in 1895 and because […]

Some more biography…

Biographies are a nice way of saying “I wanna brag about myself.” Which is ok, everyone should stick their…ahem…out for others to see. So, without further ado, here is the list of the things I did (or still do) and were noticed by others. Mobilatorij (this was an edu-project gone […]

Good morning

Yes, I guess I finally gave in. To the blogging experience I mean. I`ve been a guest writer on this blog, but I guess there comes a time when a man moves on. This blog will be slightly different from “Počasni začetki“, since the first obvious difference is the language. […]