Tag: bralec

Stripi – uvod

Stripi – uvod

Ne morem se odločiti, ali je bil moj prvi strip iz sveta Miki Mustra, ali pa sem zgodbe v sličicah prvič srečal v svetu Jake Racmana. Eno drži – stripi me v preteklosti niso nikoli impresionirali dovolj oziroma sem jih imel za podrejene klasični literaturi oziroma knjigam. Na nek način […]

Trilogija Roka Voda Kamen ali Kirurgija duše

Najprej je bila Hrovača. Priznam, tja sem šel bolj zaradi Jonasa kot zaradi zvezde večera, vseeno pa sem se tekom večera navdušil tudi nad njim in predvsem nad dejstvom, da je vsake toliko zaklel kot stari furman, gospe v prvi vrsti pa so samo prijazno kimale in se nasmihale.

Books of the summer 2006

Nick Hornby – A long way down There`s something about Nick. It`s either his humor, his way of getting the colors out of the most bleak matter on the planet or both. A long way down tells a story about a group of people that decides to end it all…and […]

Surfs up!

Some have to break their own computer to get away from blogging. Others just don`t know what to say to wrap things up. There are some who blog despite all the crap life throws at them. And then there`s moi. For the past few days, there were two things on […]